AI system in Unreal Engine 5 and C++, Beginner to advance
Want to learn Artificial intelligence in Unreal Engine 5 and C++?
Yeah! let's start it!
This is a complete course for those who want to learn AI in UE5 and C++. here we will use C++ and Unreal Engine together to make it more powerful.
I will start everything from beginning very simple, then we will jump into intermediate and advance topics.
C++ is one of the most powerful programming languages in the world, and Unreal Engine 5 is an gaming engine famous for creating games like Fortnite, Borderlands 3, Observer, and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. so using these two powerful tools can make your dreams come true.
in this course we will cover following topics:
1. C++ Basics:
- Build first C++ Program
- Compile and Errors
- Variables and Constants
- Arrays
- Expressions and Statements
- Operations
- If – else Statement
- Looping
- Functions
- Pointers
2. Creating a secrete maker program using C++
3. Unreal Engine 5 Basics:
- Introduction
- Installing
- User Interface
- Navigation and camera control
- Viewport Settings
- Creating and Transforming objects
- Post Process Volume
- Materials
- Texture and its types
- Lighting
- Lumen
- Landscape
- Landscape Materials
- MegaScans Library
- Foliage System
4. Using C++ and UE5 together (simple car game)
- Classes in Unreal Engine 5
- PAWN class
- UE5 Actor Components
- Forward Declaration
- Creating objects and Components
- Mesh, Camera and Spring Arm components
- Possessing A Pawn as game player
- Input (Bind Axis and Bind Action)
- Add Actor Local Offset
- Frame rate and Delta time
- Add Actor Local Rotation
- Rotator and FVector
5. Creating a game map
6. Shooter Game
- Character class
- Character Movement Functions
- Animation blueprint and Blend space
- Actor class
- Spawning Actor
- Attach to component
- Shooting function
- Particle Effects
- Line Tracing
- Take Damage
- Virtual Take Damage function and receiving the damage
- Health variables
- IsDead function
- Death animation
7. AI in Unreal Engine 5 and C++
- AI controller class
- Set focus
- AI Movement:
- Nav Mesh
- MoveToActor
- LineOfSightTo
- Behavior Tree
- BT Tasks
- BT Decorators
- Blackboard Keys
- BTTaskNode
- Shoot Task
- FCollisionQueryParams
8. Game Details
- Sound Effects
- GameMode
- Player Controller
- Widgets
- LoserScreen
- Game HUD
- Health bar
- Field of view of camera
- Animation State Machine
9. Advance Game AI
- Full AI people control system
- Full AI Control cars
- Car Driving
- Car Damage and Exploding
- Spawning damaged car
- Strong AI Enemy
10. Finalizing the Game
Who this course is for:
- If you want to start or re-skill to game development
- If you want to learn AI system using UE5 and C++
- Artists who want to make their products alive with AI
- Developers who want to develop advance AI games
- Environment designers